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Monday, March 30, 2009
I seriously despise girls who fight with their own friend over guys and thus affecting their friendship. That's so frigging dumb, unless you're telling me that one of the girl actually purpusely did something very against fair play.
11:13 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kuro Bara was...disappointing. Though there were some eyecandies so that's fine <3.
2:31 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009
I feel like shit ==; Lack of sleep and my new glasses make me slightly giddy at times. I have a long list of backtracking to do for Erenze, hopefully getting them done before next week.

Man, it sucks when you wanna listen to some nice soothing song and browse through your list of 300 over songs to find only around 5 of them. Oh well ==;
10:23 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009
(Literally) sexy guys that are straight are totally hot. /fell in love with dance of the zomgwtfbbq expression-full guy from whatever b.
10:37 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009
MIKEY IS HAWTTTTTTTTTTT <333333333333333333333333333333333.
and Frank is so cute. xD;
11:20 PM

Went to Sunway Lagoon... didn't go to the theme park or swimming pool; went shopping instead ==; The irony.

Erenze's trying to act all camera-shy and complaining about me making him the main character of my photos (when he actually loves it! <_<). Oh wells.

Updates on photos when I get back <3.
8:24 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tomorrow's Malaysia day... make that today since it's 12 already. Erenze's first time overseas! 8D

A wintry sky and the broken streetlight cold wind.
Unknown shadow the footprint of desertion.
Freedom was taken.

An understanding is impossible.
Why was I chosen? Someone should answer.
12:16 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
This is what I thought
I thought you need me
This is what I thought
So think me naive
I promise you a heart you promise to keep
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

I will suffer for so long
What will you do, not long enough
To make it up to you
I pray to God that you do
I'll do whatever you want me to do
Well then I'll grant you one chance
And if it's not enough
If it's not enough, If it's not enough
If it's not enough
Not enough
Try again
Try again
And again
And again
Over and over again
8:56 PM

I wonder how people like Youri can survive having cosplay events every week... I'm like already struggling with 2 main events @@;. Well in any case, I'm not complaining since he's an eyecandy *_*

"Rolo, can you help me with this?"

Rolo turned away from the radio towards the direction of the silky voice, staring straight into Lelouch's deep, gentle eyes. They were almond-shaped, filled with deep pools of purple. They radiated warmth, unthawing Rolo's heart every time he looked into them. He grinned sheepishly at Rolo, as he struggled with the huge, heavy carton that looked as though it was going to throw him off balance any moment.

Rolo let a heartening laugh. Nii-san will forever be the one with brains, not the one with brute. Rolo smiled to himself as he hastily scurried over to Lelouch's side, lifting the carton away from Lelouch's aching hands, as though the carton weighed nothing more than an ant.

"Anything for you, Nii-san," Rolo said cheerfully. His cheeks then turned a deep shade of red as he realized what he had just said. He quickly dismissed it but couldn't refrain himself from taking a glance at Lelouch's reaction. It was a wrong decision. Lelouch was gazing at Rolo, his intense, emotional eyes beautifully enthralling. His mouth was teased into a slight smile at the edges. Rolo blushed deeper and lowered his face in a futile attempt to hide his burning red cheeks. His thumping heart got louder and quicker every second.

"Thank you," Lelouch whispered in a smooth, tinkling voice as Rolo bolted away, hugging the carton close to his chest, before his impulse could overcome his compose.

4:41 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009
Are you afraid of death...?
11:01 PM

It's Ao's birthday and I have no presents for him OTL...
/feels so depressed. I shall get around to building him a staff after the darned O levels...

You speak to me
I know this will be temporary
You ask to leave
but I can tell you that I've had enough

I can't take it
This welcome is gone
and I've waited long enough
to make it
and if you're so strong
you might as well just do it alone
And I'll watch you go.
7:27 PM

~ Tanjobi Omedetto, Ao-chan! <33. ~
Sorry I don't have new clothes for you ;;_;; OTL.
12:59 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009
"Everything begins with longing for something."

Alles beginnt mit sehnsucht.


12:42 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
LenneXShuyin = <3 forever and ever. Best couple everrrr.

And Rikku pwns everyone in the cute factor <3.
8:15 PM

Pardon me, but I have a chunk of thoughts waiting for me to release it.

Why do I complain so much?! /sighs.

Well, coming to the main points. I wonder if there's anyone who's not hypocritical, not even one ounce of hypocrisy at all. Why, you'd ask? Hell, look out there. People always say that looks don't matter and what matters is the inner beauty. How many people can swear that they totally think that way? Stop deceiving yourself. It all comes down to nothing. As C.C. says, the world won't change with pretty words alone. Yes, that's what they are - pretty words. Useless, pretty words that one says for the sake of putting oneself above the others. And maybe that's exactly why this society never gets any better. Discrimination, hatred, whatever. Looks do matter. Look at the world around you. A good-looking person, at first glance, would definitely get into your good books better than, say, an ugly-looking person, no matter for love or work. Then, you first glance will determine whether you'll bother to get acquainted with that person. It's related, no matter how you may try to deny it. So, morale of the story, that phrase is only something that contradicts your own actions. Hell, I'm included in this as well. How ridiculous can I get. Sometimes, I find myself contradicting myself way too much ==;.

Secondly, the Edison Chen matter. Yes, that matter. This has been on my mind since it first came out but I forgot about it till I read some article online today. Seriously, give these people a break. They work hard to provide you with entertainment, and what do you give them in return? Endless, moronic, one-sided selfish thinking of yours. The sex scandal is an accident. It's his personal video/photos that someone illegally STOLE from his computer and you blame him for the scandal for polluting your so-called innocent brain, or for teaching your child, who's a fan, the wrong thing. The irony. (Also, it's the 21st century. Even if that doesn't out leaks, your child will still learn about sex and be curious about it sooner or later. And what he or she does with that information will not change if you've properly educated him/her and not being foolish, thinking that hiding these from him/her would be doing him/her any good. This is not the main thing...so I'll leave it at here.) It's his PERSONAL things which he didn't expect to find regulating on the internet. It's like your own dirty little secret stolen and taken out for the world to view. Edison meant it for his own memorial or whatever shit that the others don't need to know. He meant to keep it for himself, not to show it to the world. Everyone has a secret desire or something that they hold - like maybe you and your ripped-to-shreds-teddy bears, just like Edison had his videos/photos of his sex life, and it doesn't concern you, not even a tiny bit. He didn't even expect it to end up on the internet, and it wouldn't if it wasn't for that dumb whoever. It's not like he took them out and spreaded them himself. YOU GUYS are the ones that wanted the gossips, made someone go and get it for the sake of money, and then after it being spreaded, YOU DISAPPROVE OF IT. What the hell, society? Adding on to the point, what do you guys take your idols for? Perfect creatures that just sing and dance and for you to fangirl over? They have their own lifes. Their own PRIVATE lifes. Don't go poking into them and then disliking it afterwards. If your fandom's only worth that, then fuck off and go cry to a tree. You're not worth any pity. Celebrities are there to act, to sing, to dance for their own passion. Who the fuck cares about what they do after that? Like, the bands that I like. The whole point of liking them is for the music they produce. And not just because they deal with drugs or oh-they-raped-someone then I'm gonna start disliking them. They have their own lifes - what they like, what they hate. And I don't need to know all of them. All I need is the music that they produce for us, the fans, or for the whole world to listen. No one's perfect. Don't even get me started on that. Well, though this is mainly directed at the Chinese community out there, cause all this shit that I'm seeing comes out from them. (Since there's always so much fucking drama out there on the chinese news everyday, considering the fact that I still have a far larger interest in Chinese pop than English sluts.)

Incoherent thoughts at twelve midnight for the winz.

And I just saw the information about From Behind These Walls. Man, I'm always this slow. And I haven't listened to it yet. But still, Craig, Ronnie pwns you everyday in my life. ;D

Lastly, random fact of the day:
The past tense of lie is lay.


12:06 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Come here, you fucking bitch.

Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times,
I can't believe it,
Ripped her heart out right before her eyes,
Eyes over easy, eat it, eat it, eat it!

I'd appreciate if you gossip about me straight in my face cause I'd very much like the amusement of the kind of things you'd be able to speak of me. ;D (Be careful on the oh-rape-me short skirt! Cause I'd very much love to do so, and I know that's exactly what you want people to do. <3)
3:46 PM

Rolo won for being 'the bravest' and Lelouch for being 'the coolest' and 'biggest idiot'. C.C won for being "most beautiful" while Suzaku for being "strongest".

Biggest idiot. Suits Lelouch totally, huh? 8D.
3:34 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009
I think electronic things hate me. /just screwed my laptop. Oh well.

What kind of vampire drove an old bus painted like the Mystery Machine? Last Christmas I'd gotten him a life-sized Scooby Doo to ride in the passenger seat.

I dreamed of Stefan driving his bus with that silly stuffed Scooby Doo perched in the passenger seat.

- how was I going to explain that to my insurance company?
"Yes, Ma'am," I tried out. "This vampire queen asked me to hunt a vampire and demon combo. He found out somehow and it ticked him off so he ripped the siding off my house."

That was Bran, quiet and calm until he ripped out your throat.

"Your mysterious customer who drives the funky bus painted up like the Mystery Machine and only shows up after dark? Dracula he isn't, but where there's werewolves, there certainly ought to be vampires."

"I have my very own superhero vampire/sorcerer-slaying kit"

"Samuel didn't have a chance to say anything to whoever called. They called, said a few sentences, and hung up. Samuel grabbed Adam and said, 'Let's go.'"

After an hour I had a list of eleven churches, reasonably near the KPD, none of which had flaming signs that said SORCERER SLEEPING HERE.

It suited him in the same way that Stefan's version of the Mystery Machine had suited him.

I just didn't see either a vampire or demon writing things like For a Good Time Call-or Juan loves Penny.

"If she has a sorcerer at her beck and call, the others will have to cower in her presence."
"Marsilia can cow them on her own."

I couldn't help a hiccoughing laugh at having a dead man tell me to breathe.

"and Adam...The nurse at the triage station took one look at Adam and hit the innocent-looking black button underneath her desk."

"Do I want to ask who you all are?"

he told my neck,

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Oh, and from the earlier chapters.
I'd pushed it out of the garage several years ago when Adam had complained about my mobile home spoiling his view. Then, every time he bothered me, I made it uglier. Right now it was missing three wheels and the rear bumper, all stored safely in my garage. Big red letters across the hood said FOR A GOOD TIME CALL followed by Adam's phone number. The graffiti had been Jesse's suggestion. (Jesse is Adam's daughter in case you forget over days.)

Labels: ,

11:06 PM

Thursday, March 5, 2009
New skin cause I got so irritated trying to look through the small window scrolling down like shit to look at my own posts OTLllll.

Anyways. Quotes again.

and he was suddenly the same vampire who'd painted his old VW bus to look like Scooby's Mystery Machine.

he wasn't lying dead in the closet.

I pounded my forehead against Warren's back. "Tell me Ben's not flirting with me."
"Hey," said Ben sounding hurt. "I was talking cannibalism, not romance."

"I think that I can count on the fingers of one hand the times you've actually said the word 'women' and not replaced it with an epithet referring to female genitalia."
"Hey, he's not that bad," Warren said. "Sometimes he calls them cows or whores."

"As my lady desires," he said, sounding utterly serious.

Then he hung up.
"How about some different bodyguards?" I asked the phone plaintively. "Someone I actually get along with shouldn't be too much to ask."
I set the phone down and glared at it.

The curse of a long life is that everyone around you dies. You have to be strong to survive, and stronger to want to do so. (So I guess C.C. wasn't that strong afterall... Wait, she never was...)

S sleeping in my closet.
I'm at work until ?
Stop by if you need anything.

Labels: ,

9:18 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The rusty smell of dried blood rushed into his nostrils as he entered the room. Light flushed onto the room as he turned his head and pushed the switch on the wall, trying to stop his hand from trembling. He took a deep breathe in, choking as he inhaled the stomach-wrenching smell in the process. He prepared himself for whatever he was about to see, remembering to not let it affect his clarity of thoughts.


The grotesque image hit him hard and squeezed his breathe out. A woman's body lay on the floor, limbs twisted in ways unthinkable. Her pale blue eyes were devoid of any life in them, as they stared in horror into blank air. Her mouth was stretched out widely, as though she was screaming till the moment her breath left her. Blood surrounded her body; gushes evident throughout her flawless, white skin. It would be a perfect cover for some gothic magazine, except for the fact that the whole image wasn't just a set-up; it was very true in every way. He immediately turned his face around, facing away from the corpse after taking in the details of her death. His face turned a sickish green as he struggled with the puke attempting to flow up his oesophagus and out of his mouth. He rushed out of the room towards a window and took in the fresh air, trying to calm his body down.

This is going to be a very tough case...one where I would never wish I'd have to crack.


10:25 PM

In each human heart terror survives
The ravin it has gorged: the loftiest fear
All that they would disdain to think were true:
Hypocrisy and custom make their minds
The fanes of many a worship, now outworn.
They dare not devise good for man's estate,
And yet they know not that they do not dare.
-I forgot who this was by...but it's wonderful nonetheless. <3

The world won't change with pretty words alone. - C.C.

I could write it better than you ever felt it...: Our name in the sky <3. -from Rolo to Lulu

I need inspiration for photostories.


10:14 PM

False tears are capable of hurting other people. False smiles are capable of hurting one's self. - C.C.

The best kind of wish is born from despair. - C.C.

People tell lies for a reason! They don't do it just to hurt others! - Lelouch

C.C.'s quotes are the best, ever.


12:08 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009
The taste of familiarity
as though an artifice in a dream
At that moment where our paths crossed
our destinies had been determined.
The memories of our past lifes unfolding
that endless strand of yearning
No matter how the past, present, or the future plays out to be
I want to share with you all of my reveries
Will you accompany me down this path of eternity?

Forever your little brother,

/spent like don't know how long translating this from Chinese on Angell Studio's Abel page.
This is so perfect for Usui, except for the past lifes part. *_*


8:19 PM








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picture rovenka
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Shout out
For what reasons do you live...?

I'll only link people voluntarily if I want to. Don't tag me to link you. I'll slap you 10 times over. I'm serious.