I had officially fell into the depths of depression.
I hate seeing that word, detest it to the very core, till the point I could rip it out and tear it into shreds.
The truth is, I've never really gotten over it.So things can't work out.This will last forever.
Did I mention how inconvenient it is to watch yaoi without a laptop?!
You know how if you turn the volume all the way up till your ears almost bleed, how when it's so loud there's a quiet place inside the noise? Loud enough to shake your teeth loose but in there somewhere is a ghost voice, like silence singing.
So loud it almost crushes your skull flat and inside the noise is a ghost, a candle flame burning inside a fiery furnace.
Screaming guitars, crusher bass, drums like a ten-car pileup. But inside the noise, a ghost voice, something almost silent but still you can hear it.
I could drub them hard as my old man beat me. Harder. I could put all that hate into my hands and pound the skins and it felt better than anything in the world.
It was great, it was huge, it was endless. The song rose, churning and sucking everything in like a cyclone.
Nothing is what it seems to be. You know, like the whole world is wearing camouflage. Everything and everyone is hiding. They're all like puppets. Only, they don't want you to see their strings. Every person in the world. They all tell lies. They all wear a mask.
I wanted to laugh. And I guess if I'm being honest, I wanted to cry too. "It's all a lie," I whispered. "But go on, keep talking."
Labels: quotes
"You're the girl," she said.
"You're the girl," she said again.
That wasn't obvious.
"All right, Relly explodes into flames sometimes. That's just the way he is."
"Die, all right? Why don't you just die?"
"Zee, what's going on?" "You answer the phone with 'die' now?"
"What do gods have that mortals don't?"
"Funny names."
OK, so I'm a god and I can't even get my notebook back from an old man with bad breath.
Making the band a success - definitely. Helping Zee out - forget it.
He weighs seven hundred pounds. That's heavy metal.
Labels: funny, quotes
I totally despise parents who give away their parental rights and then demand it back later. Seriously, fuck off. Don't try to sympathise or say you love them or whatever shit. You're the one who abandoned them in the first place. God darned idiots.
Lorddd I swearrr The Beautiful City of the Dead is zeh best everrrr.
And I need to practise drawing natural makeup and eyeliner. Manzzzz.
/dug through my camwhore pictures and found a lot of thick eyelined, freaky-eyed ones.
/iz camwhore freakz. 8D;